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Win in industrial performance

Industrial performance is a major challenge for your competitiveness. Many companies are faced with the challenge of modernising their production tool while taking into account human complexity. We can help you through all your procedures: digitalisation, Industry of the Future, human resources.

improving the efficiency of my organization     be accompanied in my future industry project     

optimize my human resources

Improving the efficiency of my organisation

Our industrial performance experts will assist you in meeting your business challenges: quest for competitiveness, search for new customers, digital transformation, organisational performance improvement, etc. Their knowledge of regional schemes and funding will be useful to find the help suited to your needs.

For example, you can mobilise :

  • " Région Industrie - Conseil Industrie du Futur " to be supported during the implementation of industrial solutions for the future

  • Ambition PME, for training, strengthening and boosting your sales and marketing functions

  • Communautés de Pratique for discussions with your peers and for sharing good practices

  • Eval’Industrie 4.0 to assess the maturity of your business with regards to digitalisation and the Industry of the Future by taking part in the program which is fully funded by the Region

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Being supported in my Industry of the Future project

Our team can help with the challenges faced by your business with regards to the Industry of the Future by :

  • adapting your digital and production means and improving your organisation, management methods and employee participation

  • integrating new technologies and improving the skills of your employees

  • ​taking into account the challenges of new generations, the social and environmental responsibility, the evolution of digital tools and the new ways of working

Nous pouvons notamment vous accompagner via le dispositif "Région Industrie - Conseil Performance Industrie du Futur". Destiné aux PME et ETI de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes du secteur industrie et services à l’industrie, il permet de financer des coûts de prestation de conseil, preuves de concept, expertises et études.

En savoir plus sur "Région Industrie - Conseil Performance Industrie du Futur".  

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Optimise my human resources

Do you want to maximise your chances of better recruiting and training your teams ? We will save you time. Optimise your HR performance through our tailored service offer:

  • Support for your HR needs, recruitment and skills matching

  • Information on HR innovations and tools 4.0 during collective workshops with thematic experts (see agenda)

  • Presentation of powerful tools to identify key skills aligned with your values

  • Support for the mobility of your candidates, and the integration and retention of your employees

  • Easy connecting with the network of employment, training and work experience partners.

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