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The Bureau Europe: 
Tailored support
for European funding 

Are you an SME with an innovative project ? You may, or may not, have heard about all the options for funding innovation or development projects within the framework of European programs. Did you know that Europe can subsidise industries in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes that innovate through European funding programs. Why not you ?

3 support services

The Bureau Europe of the Regional Economic Agency offers a free, collective and/or individual support program to inform and train you on European funding, according to your level of knowledge, your projects, your objectives and your needs :

Find out more and understand European funding

First level of information on European funding: find the program best suited to your project

Get prepared and trained for submitting your project

Individual advice and training to improve your chances of success when applying for funding from the European scheme previously identified 

Find European partners

Support for searching for partners to develop your network and your projects

Download the support offer from the Bureau Europe, all the information at a glance ​

To go even further !

Mission financement européen

A self-diagnosis tool

Are you considering applying for European funding for your project ? Would you like to assess the maturity of your project ? Before starting, test your project with our self-diagnosis tool !

Faire mon autodiagnostic

Cap sur l'EIC Accelerator

Depuis l'idée de projet et la recherche du financement adapté jusqu'à la gestion du projet en tant que lauréat, vous franchissez les étapes pour déposer votre dossier en bénéficiant d'un accompagnement personnalisé adapté à votre rythme.

newsletter sur les financements européens

An information newsletter

Subscribe to our special “European funding” newsletter to be informed of upcoming news and opportunities : information days, webinars, distance training workshops, new support systems, etc.

Je m'inscris

Contact the Europe Office

Nous contacter

Passez le cap en contactant notre Bureau Europe, experts des financements européens, pour vous accompagner dans votre réflexion et optimiser vos chances de réussite !  

Nos prochains évènements

Journées  d'information, ateliers, webinaires : participez à nos prochains évènements pour découvrir les financements européens et maximiser vos chances d'y accéder (voir tous les évènements de notre Bureau Europe)

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Who are we ?

The Bureau Europe provides tools and expertise to better understand European programs, qualify projects and maximise the chances of success when regional businesses apply for funding. As a member of the Enterprise Europe Network, the Bureau Europe is also referenced as an official representative for the ​ Horizon Europe  European program by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.  


Contact our Europe Office !

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Les informations recueillies font l’objet d’un traitement informatique destiné à Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises pour accompagner et/ou vous adresser des contenus adaptés à vos centres d'intérêt. En savoir plus sur la gestion de vos données et vos droits.