Nous suivre

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises, an economic operator contracted by the Démarche Grand Chantier (DGC), deploys its economic development support offer to economic players of the largest European construction site.

A set of tools is made available to meet the specificities of the Lyon-Turin markets. This way, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises helps SMEs to make themselves visible to major clients.

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises closely works with professional federations, business organisations, consular chambers and all the players involved in the success of the Grand Chantier.

Make the most of an interactive platform, economic information newsletters on construction sites, webinars, professional meetings...



The platform for linking contractors and subcontractors dedicated to the Grand Chantier Lyon-Turin.

​Be involved in the construction of the longest tunnel in the world, with a budget of €8.6bn, 164 km of tunnels between St Jean de Maurienne (Savoie) and Suse (Italy).

Video : Presentation of the networking platform for the Grand Chantier Lyon-Turin

Employees of these companies are given a privileged interlocutor by Auvergne Rhône Alpes Entreprises to facilitate their installation in the region. All players in the region are mobilised to welcome new employees.

To discover :

  • Le territoire de Maurienne en images
  • Have you been hired for the Lyon-Turin project and are you looking for accommodation ? We can help:   

  • Did you just recently set up ? Discover our welcome booklet : 

Contact :

Sylvie VERNEY :

Reception of employees : Ingrid LAURENT -