PERL businesses
accélère les industries régionales d'excellence
The PERL network brings together more than 360 regional industrial and industrial services companies with strong growth potential, the driving forces behind France’s No. 1 industrial region.
In figures
In 2022, they represented over €3 billion in cumulative revenues and more than 14,500 jobs in the region. These regional gems are at the heart of the region’s economic strategy, aimed at accelerating their growth: from VSE to SME, then from SME to Midcap. As such, they have priority access to all the Agency’s services, within the framework of a support agreement.
In pratical terms
PERL companies are subject to a 3-year tripartite agreement with the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes-Entreprises Agency, and become members of the Agency. To find out more about becoming a member.
Download the complete communication kit
Give visibility and clout to your company and the PERL network with the communication toolbox : Logo, Text, user guide on social networks
Découvrez l'interview de 2 dirigeants d'entreprises du réseau PERL face à nos questions : Villeton (38) et Kreos (69)
Votre entreprise dans 5 ans ?
Découvrez l'interview croisée des entreprises Chabanne (42) et Aventech (26)
Et vous, pourquoi vous avez choisi Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes ?
Découvrez l'interview croisée des entreprises Axo Science (69) et Lancey Energy Storage (38)
Et vous, vous avez pensé aux financements européens ?
Découvrez l'interview croisée des entreprises IDM (73) et Elichens (38)
Et vous, votre stratégie pour monter des projets de financement européen ?